This is the "best ever" cookie recipe in the world guaranteed, try these chocolate chip cookies.
This cookie recipe is easy to make and there is hardly any washing up which saves you time.
These chocolate chip cookies are soft and chewy in texture and taste absolutely delicious.
These cookies are easy to bake and have been a favourite many years now.
These chocolate chip cookies are very tasty.
6oz Self Raising Flour
3oz Light Brown Sugar
4oz Margarine
4oz Brown Chocolate Chips
(you can use 2oz white 2oz brown chocolate chips instead)
(you can use 2oz white 2oz brown chocolate chips instead)
2 Tbsp Golden Syrup
Place the sugar and butter into a mixing bowl and cream together.

Add syrup, milk, chocolate chips and flour to the cookie mixture.

Mix cookie mixture well.
The cookie mixture should be a very thick batter just like a cake mix.

Now place table spoons of the cookie mixture onto a greased and floured baking tray.
Make sure there is enough space between each cookie for the mix to spread in the oven.
Make sure there is enough space between each cookie for the mix to spread in the oven.

Put the chocolate chip cookies into a hot oven at 180C for 8-10 minutes or until slightly golden in colour.

Remove the cookies from the oven tray straight away and leave to cool on a wire rack.

Remove the cookies from the oven tray straight away and leave to cool on a wire rack.

Enjoy chocolate chip cookie recipe, they taste out of this world !

You can also add Smarties to Chefs cookies click here for smartie cookies recipe
Also try : Healthy (low fat) biscuit recipe
There is an easy cookie recipe for every one at Jeenas Kitchen, enjoy your chocolate chips cookies with a nice cup of my spiced tea
Also try : Healthy (low fat) biscuit recipe
There is an easy cookie recipe for every one at Jeenas Kitchen, enjoy your chocolate chips cookies with a nice cup of my spiced tea
This is the third Choc. chip cookie I am looking at today!!;D
Looks great Jeena.Syrup is a great idea.Got to take them out of the oven little early though,my trick.They remain golden and little soft inside than usual.Thanks for the recipe.
oh really the best. what is golden syrup? lovely looking cookies.
Hi Asha it must be cookie week or something :)
Hey Sharmi here is a link on golden syrup I use Lyles Golden syrup :) Golden Syrup
Hi Jeena these cookies look amazing. I have some questions..
Do you know how much baking soda/powder I would need to add if I used All-Purpose Flour?
Do you use salted or unsalted margarine.. because I noticed there is no added pinch of salt in your recipe?
Hi Carolina I use salted margarine for this recipe and I only use self raising flour as it is easier and I like to keep it simple. If you want to try it with plain flour I would suggest you use 1/4 tsp of baking powder to the 6oz of plain flour - you don't want them to puff up like a cake so don't add too much baking powder. I am sure they would turn out just as tasty :) I hope this helps because this is a great recipe and so quick and hassle free to do. Enjoy your cookies :)
Hi Jeena!
I've tried your cookie recipe a couple of times now and they're really good!
I was planning on making them again earlier today when my mom asked me if i was supposed to add in eggs. I don't really know what the purpose of eggs are for when baking cookies, so i didn't really think of that.
Is adding eggs a good idea? Because i thought that eggs make the cookies rise, but seeing as it's already getting self-raising flour, i'm not sure if it's needed.
What do you think?
Hi Jeena!
I really want to make this recipe with my roommate, but I'm not sure how I should convert oz. to cups or even tablespoons. Can you please help me? Also, would it be possible to use soymilk instead of regular?
Hi there anonymous thanks for stopping by. :) I have never tried soy milk in this recipe but I think soy milk would be fine, also you could try rice milk or oat milk maybe. Here are the measurements in grams :
100g or 8 tablespoon or 1/2 Cup Margarine
75g or 5-6 tablespoon Soft Light Brown Sugar
175g or 12 tablespoons or 3/4 Cup Self Raising Flour
100g or 8 tablespoons or 1/2 Cup Chocolate Chips
2 x 15ml Spoon Milk (or 2 tablespoons)
2 x 15ml Spoon Golden Syrup (or 2 tablespoons)
I normally make this recipe in grams or ounces so I have not tried it in cups or tablespoons yet. I am sure it will turn out just as lovely. :)
This is a real tasty recipe I am sure you will do just fine and your roommate will love them. :)
Also check out this recipe that I made with smarties.....in this recipe I just replaced the choc chips with smarties and they are fantastic!
Click here for Smartie Cookies :)
I'd love to hear how it went I hope this helps. Take care, Jeena :)
heya these are really soft and yummy! i think im going to use teaspoonfuls next time though...
thanks for the recipe =]
Hi Cookielover, I am glad you enjoyed my cookie recipe. Thanks for stopping by JeeansKitchen. :-)
I am currently making these cookies for the second time in two days, and that is how amazing they are! They are simple, they taste great and they have no eggs, which is great since my boyfriend doesn't eat them. Thankyou so much! I will be trying out some of your other recipes for sure.
Hi Emma, you are right it really is a simple recipe and great for people who do not cook with eggs. I am happy that you love the recipe and I am sure you will find some more recipes to cook here.
Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave a lovely comment.
Jeena :-)
I am excited about making this recipe for my son who has an egg allergy. However, I don't think I can get golden syrup around here, at least not this weekend! I've read that you can substitute equal parts honey and light corn syrup. Any thoughts on that?
i don't understand ounce. could you pls give the measurements in cups or grams pls? thanks
Hi Jeena. I've been searching around for years for the best cookie recipe and I must say, the idea of golden syrup really is innovative and unique. But I have a problem with getting the cookies to be as thick as those shown in your photos. I've tried baking them twice today, but my enthusiasm dampened when the cookies which came out of the oven 'deflated'. It was really awful. Please enlighten me on how to prevent such an incident, will you?
Hi Kristyn, most cookies 'puff up' in the oven but then sink down a little or 'deflate' when you take the tray from the hot oven...unless it is a recipe that is especially for thick cookies.
Try using 1 tablesppoon of milk and a little less of the syrup, it may be that the tablespoons you are using are bigger than mine.
Also when you spoon the cookie mixture onto the oven tray make sure you do not flatten the mixture at all because the cookie mixture spreads out as it cooks in the heat of the oven. This is why you just spoon the cookie mixture directly onto the tray as a ball.
I would love to hear how the cookies come along. Thanks for stopping by jeenaskitchen.blogspot.com
Thanks, Jeena. :-)
Hi Jeena,
This recipie sounds exciting. I have been looking for non-egg options and you've made it possible.
I do have one question for this recipe. I am in North America, and I haven't heard of "Golden Syrup" here. If I can't find it, what do you recommend in it's place?
Thanks for your time.
Hi Tanu, I am happy that you like my eggless food recipes.
Golden syrup is very much the same as corn syrup.
If you can't get corn syrup try using maple syrup.
Thank you for visiting my food recipe blog. Please come back as I often update with eggless recipes.
Thanks, Jeena. :-)
Thanks a bunch Jeena! I'll try just that after my exams (:
Looking forward to more of your creations!
Hi Jeena
Im new to this site, and the first thing i tried is these cookies (twice actually). It was really fantastic but they went hard the next day :(!! What should the consistency of the batter be?
Hi welcome to my food recipe blog.
Make sure you keep the cookies in an air tight container.
You may have have added small tablespoons of syrups to the cookie mixture. If this is true you could try adding a little more syrup to the mixture.
Keep logging onto my website as I update with new recipes daily.
Thanks Jeena. :-)
Honestly, you saved my life im no longer a bad cook, baker or candlestick maker (hehe haha maybe not) but thank you.
I must say Jeena these cookies look absolutely delicious. I don't have much experience when it comes to cooking but is it necessary to use a baking tray (since i don't have one) or can you use foil instead in the oven.
Hi Zaheer,
If you do not have a baking tray then you could try using foil instead.
Try making the foil 2-3 layers thick rather than one thin sheet of foil.
Be very careful when removing the foil from the oven, you could take a plate and pull the foil onto the plate to help prevent the foil flopping as you take it out of the oven.
Remember to still grease and flour the foil as you do not want the cooies to stick.
Feel free to email me if you have anymore queries.
Thanks, Jeena.
I made the best chocolate chip cookie and it tastes great but the center of the cookie is uncooked while the outer layer of the cookie is cooked beautifully. Do you know why this is happening.
Hi Zaheer,
When you put the cookie mixture onto the baking tray try flattening the cookie mixture with a the back of a spoon.
Let me know if you need anymore help.
Thanks, Jeena.
Hi Jeena,
Cookies looks wonderful. i have a question for u, where do we find golden syrup? i searched all grocery stores near my home but couldn't find one. can u help me please??
Hi Shruthi,
I do not know which country you are in?
Try using corn syrup, maple syrup or brown rice syrup instead.
I got my golden syrup from Tesco's.
Hi Jeena,I am new to your blog but really found delicious recipes :-) you are genius jeena!! :)
well, i have few questions for this best cookie recipe.
Can i use organic honey instead of golden syrup? and
while baking in oven,should i put the foil or tray on grill or bottom area of the oven (as i dont know much about baking :-( .. but wanna try these cookies )
hi jeena :-)
firstable, thanks for this wonderful post. they seem delicious! i have yet tried it out but i will soon. anyways, just how many cookies could you make out of this recipe?
again, thanks for sharing :-)
Hi Kiran,
Thank you for the great feedback.
You could try honey in this recipe but it will not be the same as the golden syrup, you could also try maple syrup or brown rice syrup.
Get yourself a basic oven tray and rub a little oil or butter onto the tray - do not soak the tray just lightly coat, then get a sieve and lightly dust flour over the tray - this will stop the cookies sticking to the oven tray.
Cook on the middle shelf of the oven.
Feel free to email me with anymore queries on my recipes.
Hi Harizah,
Thank you for visiting my food blog.
This cookie recipe may make 16 cookies it depends on how big you spoon the mixture onto the tray.
Thanks, Jeena.
Thanks for your reply Jeena !!
way TO GO jeena!!!!
I made these cookies yesterday.. n it was realllly simple and so very very yummy!!
MY husband loved it...
All thanks to you..
LOOking forward for more of such simple and scumptious receipes from you...
What happened to my cookies?
They came out super flat, super spread out, and took twice as long to bake...I used the converted measurements you gave at 356F. Do I need more flour?
The cookies couldn't lift off the tray without crumbling....so sad to see these not turn out...any help?
Hi Carrie,
Did you use the correct measurements of syrup and milk? It sounds like you have used too much of the wet ingredients.
Was the oven hot when you baked them? If they took twice as long your oven must not of been hot enough. When you bake you always need to heat the oven up first.
Did you use large spoonfuls of the cookie mixture?
Cookie always spread out when cooking so you do not need to put a huge spoonful onto the oven tray.
Did the cookie consistancy look like on my photos or did it look more runny?
If the cookies did not come off the tray - did you grease the tray and dust it with flour before adding the cookie mixture?
Hello Jeena,
Thanks for the reply, I did measure all the ingredients to the converted list in one of your replies. I used maple syrup instead of golden syrup, that's the only substitution I made. I did use a silpat silicone liner, but the cookies were too flat and delicate. I may have to splurge and buy a scale... You did instruct to remove the cookies from the tray immediately right? to cool? and should I refrigerate the batter? (which did look like your picture - i was running back and forth from the computer and the kitchen while baking) I do so badly want to try these the way they are supposed to be...
oops, i forgot...I did substitute butter for margarine...could this be it?
Hi Carrie,
I think using maple syrup has not worked very well - I never had tried with maple myself so was not sure about the outcome using maple syrup.
Golden syrup has a very thick consistancy that is used to give a chewy/soft texture to the cookie. Maple syrup is quite runny in consitancy so this maybe why they spread so much.
Butter is very different from margarine as margarine is made up of oils so there cooks different.
Try a good non- hydrogenated margarine and golden syrup, if you can't find golden syrup try corn syrup instead if you are in the US.
Also you said you used a silicone baking sheet, I personally have had no look with these and find that metal oven trays work the best.
I hope this helps, I would love to hear how they turn out.
Thanks, Jeena.
dear Jeena, thank you for the chocolate chip cookie recipe and especially for measurements in grams (i'm an Eastern-European so i don't understand ounce :-( ).
i've tried the recipe couple of times already and for those having problems with some ingredients :
i can't get golden syrup where i am, so i use corn syrup or liquid honey - it doesn't change much, i guess. it seems any kind of thick sweet syrup will be ok. i once used syrup from canned peaches. it changed the taste a bit but not the texture of cookies.
i always use butter, instead of margarine (as my grandma used to say "Great recipe is the one you can experiment on").
i've also tried the recipe with candied cranberries instead of chocolate. and even though i'm mad about chocolate, these tasted heavenly.
my cookies take almost twice longer than you suggest to bake, but that may be just my oven...
anyway, the cookies turn out soft and spongy inside and crispy on the edge (read: yummy). though, i must admit not so nicely round as yours - mine are more irregular in shape (must practice more :-)).
no idea what happens to the cookies the next day - they never lasted that long.
once again, thank you Jeena for all eggless recipes (allergy). i will surely visit your site more often once i found it.
ps. it seems longer than the recipe itself. sorry...
Hi Natasha,
Thank you for the great feed back, I am glad you love my recipe.
Cranberries are delicious used in cookies I am sure they tasted lovely.
Feel free to email me with any questions about my recipes at jeenaskitchen@googlemail.com
Thanks, Jeena.
hey jeena! i've tried your chocolate chip cookie recipe a couple of times now but they always turn out a bit cakey? and my chocolate chips always stick to the bottom of the tray, i have to scoop them out and place them back into the cookies. It's a nightmare! do you know how i can prevent these things from happening, i grease the trays well so i don't think thats the problem...
your comment would be much appreciated :)
Hi Jeena!
I absolutely fell in love with your recipe for these cookies! Although I had to do some tweeking because I didn't have time to run to the grocery (I had no eggs that's how I found this recipe to begin with). I had to use what I had. I used All Purpose flour instead, except I took away two table spoons and substituted with 1 tablespoon of cornstarch. I also added 1/4 tsp of baking powder. And because I didn't have golden syrup, I had to use Aunt Jemima Original Syrup, LOL, also I had no chocolate chips so I used roasted peanuts instead. I can't wait to go to the grocery store so I can buy all the actual ingredients because I know the cookies are going to be just fabulous!!
OM GOSH this recipe is soo awsome because when i made this it actually made my mum feel better form the cold she had
GREAT recipe jeena
mmm, very nice thanks!! I suspected golden syrup might be the secret :)
I'd like to try your recipe but can I use butter instead of margarine? If I can, do I have to alter any other ingredient?
Your dough looks wetter than those I've made before. Is it possible for me to make it a little thicker but still have a soft, chewy bite?
thanks so much i was looking for a really good cookie recipe with no eggs! and i found it! your recipe.
thanks :)
Okay, Chef Jeena, I gave this recipe another go...
This time, using a scale (yay! I got one!), corn syrup (can't find golden syrup where I live), plain flour + 1/4 tsp. baking powder as you suggested for another reviewer, and butter (forgot to buy margarine), all else per your recipe.
Yay! It finally looks like your pics! I did have to flatten the drops as the first batch didn't spread much, and yum! Moist and cakey out of the oven, and cripier as it cools! Oh yes, I did turn up the oven to 375 F. So happy to have tried it again.
And I just happened to glance at the swiss roll recipe...that's the next project!
Hi Carrie,
I'm happy that you have enjoyed the cookies.
Feel free to email me with any questions about my recipes.
Thanks, Jeena.
Im cookıng them now but they are so puff am i used too much baking powder?Im using all purpose flour
It sounds like you are using too much baking powder yes.
What measure of baking powder are you using?
Hi jeena i used 3 teaspoon baking powder and in my country there is no golden syrup i used honey if you got recipe for golden syrup can you link it?Thanks...
Add one level teaspoon of baking powder and runny clear honey instead of the syrup.
Thanks jeena i will try it and i'll post results here;)
And one more question do you prefer baking soda or baking powder?
For this recipe baking powder.
Hey Jeena,
Is there a substitute for golden syrup, like maple syrup or honey?
Hi Meera,
Corn syrup is the best substitute for golden syrup.
You can use maple syrup, less might be needed as maple syrup is more runny in consistency compared to golden syrup.
I agree, corn syrup is best, I've tried it with honey and with maple syrup, and corn syrup is the best sub. I would love to try wth golden syrup and see what Jeenas batch should really taste like!
Deeeeeeelicioussssssss x
Seriously simple to make and loved by the whole family even my fiancé who doesn't like soft centred cookies.
Thank you x
it seems looks very delicious
the recipe says 6 OZ of self rising flour.... how many cups is that please? When i do a conversion, i'm getting 3/4 C of flour. This can't be right....
I've seen your recipe and it looks delicious!!!!! can't wait to try it!!!
I'm getting less and less patient during the 10 minutes when the cookies are in the oven I can't wait to taste them!!!!
Yum Jeena, these are so delicious!!
My daughter is 6 mths old and is allergic to egg and dairy, so we have an egg-free and dairy-free household... I'm very new to being dairy-less!! But these cookies are so good!
I used olive oil spread instead of margarine ('cos that's what I have in the fridge) and used oat milk instead of cow's milk... yum yum yum... off to eat another one now :)
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