Curried Peas and Beans recipe:
1 Medium Red Onion
2 Tiny White Onions - cubed
Half Red Pepper/Capsicum - diced
Half Green Pepper/Capsicum - diced
1 Medium Parsnip - diced
4-5 Small Carrotts - diced
1 Medium Tomato - diced
Olive Oil
1 Tin Mixed Pulses
Half Tin Petite Pois Peas
Tomato Puree
Spices you will need a teaspoon each of -
Ground Corriander
Half tsp - Ground Cummin
3 tsp Garam Massala
Dried Corriander Leaves - large sprinkle
Recipe instructions:
Fry the red and white onions on a high heat for a minute or two then turn onto a
medium heat and add carrots. Cook for 5 minutes or so then add Parsnips. Cook for 10 minutes then add red and green peppers and tomato with all the spices EXCEPT the garam massala, pour olive oil over the spices then stir. Add enough water to cook them down with and leave on medium heat with a lid on for ten minutes or so, or until the carrots are to the texture you desire! Then add the tined beans, peas, garam massala and dried corriander cook for a few minutes then add a squeeze of tomato puree to thicken - drizzle some more olive oil if needed- simmer with lid on for 7 - 10 minutes. It will be ready when the beans have cooked. Add salt at the end if desired.
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