Wednesday 26 September 2007

Tea Bread Recipe

Since the weather is starting to change here in the UK I thought it was time I cooked a lovely wholesome snack that goes perfect with a cup of fresh hot tea.

My tea bread recipe is a cross between a fruit cake and a fruit bread.

It is very delicious and there will be plenty to go around, you can eat it as a piece of cake or like us - eat it sliced with a thin spread of butter, yum yum!

All you have to do is soak your dried fruit in some hot tea over night then the recipe is almost done, yes it's that easy! Why not give this delicious recipe a try?

See Jeenas full step-by-step tea brea recipe below.


8 oz/225g Sultanas
4oz/100g Raisins
4oz/100g Currants
6oz/175g Light Brown Sugar
1/4 Pint Hot Fresh Tea
1 Medium Egg
8oz225g Self Raising Flour

Sultanas, raisins and currants..

How to Make Jeenas Tea Bread Recipe

First make a 1/4 pint of fresh tea and add your sugar.

Your tea must be hot to melt the sugar. Mix it well then add all your dried fruit mix well again.

You may think there is not enough fluid to soak up the fruit, if you gently tilt your bowl/jug to the side you should see there is quite a lot of liquid.

Cover and leave over night for your fruits to plump up.

The next day pour all of your fruit with juices into a bowl.

Mix your egg into your fruit then add your flour and mix well.

After mixing well pour your tea bread mixture into a greased and floured oven dish.

Place into a pre-heated oven at 160C for approx 1 hour to 1 and 1/2 hours.

It depends on your oven so check your tea bread by poking a skewer into to - if it comes out clean it should be ready, do not open the oven for at least 40 minutes.

Turn out onto a rack and leave to cool.

Slice and serve as desired, eat as a peice or slice and spread with butter.

Enjoy Jeenas Tea Bread Recipe.


Moderator said...

I have never soaked dried fruit in tea - what a great idea! The cake looks moist and delicious.

Edith said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog. Yours totally blown me away. Fantastic blog.

Matt R said...

Hi Jeena, I don't usually go for treats with dried fruit but this looks delightful!

Deeba PAB said...

WOW Jeena...thanks for stopping by my I could stop by yours. The tea bread idea is fantastic, and I love your blog. :0)

Sreelu said...

Oh My god, Jeena this is beautiful, well this is a must try, your pic makes it even easy.Thanks for stopping by, you my friend have been added to blogroll

Roopa said...

Thanks for visiting my blog which led me to yours!
wow thats just fabulous soaked in tea :) never did i ever think of it. The pictures and presentation of your recipes are just beautifull !

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, I had to ask my husband what a sultana was haha

daphne said...

that's an excellent idea! soaking fruits in tea. I usually go for the booze but tea... hmm.. probably healthier! hehee.

So So Simple said...


Thnaks for popping into my blog glad you enjoyed it. Yours is great I have added it to my favourites already.
The tea bread looks fun.
Reminds me of a boiled fruit loaf which is a NZ staple from long ago.
Very moist and tasty.

Julie said...

Hi Jeena, thank you for stopping by Noshtalgia. This Tea Bread looks wonderful, just the way I would love it loaded with tons of raisins, currants and sultana's.

Mallow said...

This is a gorgeous post - I really like your blog, and will continue to check it out!

Rina said...

Beautiful illustration Jeena. Wonderful recipes. A Must try. Thanks for being on my blog. I'm happy to discover yours.

Tracy Tan said...

looks like something i can try :)

tks jeena for dropping by my site...can't wait to visit your other blogs!

Sharmi said...

That is a very beautiful recipe. I am going to hunt for currants and sultanas. wonder what sultanas are called as over here????!!

Chandrika said...

Jeena, the tea bread looks lovely...

Chrissy said...

Hi Jeena - thanks for dropping by my blog. Love the way you give the step-by-step - great for newbie cooks like me :D See you round!

Julius said...

Hi Jeena,

I agree with precious moments - your blog is amazing!

I love that you cook a lot of curries. I usually cook out of Madhur Jaffrey's cookbooks, as well as Vij's (a Vancouver chef who specializes in fusion Indian cuisine). Your lamb keema looks just absolutely delish, as does the the tea bread and sponge.

Thanks for dropping by my blog. I appreciate the comment!


Mahek said...

never heard of a cake made with tea before very unique...
looks so yummy!!!!!

myCoffee said...

Love the look of your tea bread. Thanks for sharing the recipe! :)

Nails...etcetera with Priscilla ! said...

Hey ! Jeena !
Thanks for checking out my blog.
U have a great blog.
Am gonna take some time reading it after this.
See U a'rd.


Adi said...

Hello from Mallorca Jeena. What a great idea soaking fruit in tea... I´ll give it a try since I love tea. Of course nothing similar can be found here in Spain, and it seems sooooo easy...
Thanks for your idea.
Regards from (still) sunny Mallorca.

Nezumi said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your photographs & instructions are excellent. Very clear and show each step of the recipe. Excellent blog i'll be popping back often :)

Anonymous said...

My My... cake filled with so many raisins... just the way I like it....
It looks so wonderful!!!!
You have a wonderful blog Jeena!!!

Debbie Herd said...

Hi Jeena fantastic blog. My Mother soaked her fruit in tea. Your blog makes me realize how much I miss making food.

Rita Sella said...

HI... Jeena you have lovely blog here.. your shots make me drooling ^_^ will be back here.

Abitofafoodie said...

This looks like a delicious tea-bread - I could use a slice right now. It reminds me a little of bara brith, a Welsh 'speckled' bread which I made a few months ago. Soaking the fruit in tea really plumps it up nicely, doesn't it?
Pleased to have discovered your great blog - thank you for stopping by mine.
P.S. That curry looks fabulous too!

Sona - quick picks/pick quicks said...

looks tooo inviting, Jeena...just want to pull it from from my monitor sceen!!!

Nirmala said...

I'm hosting a tea next month and I may have to make this. It looks just great.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Anonymous said...

yummmyyyyyyyyy, i will try and let you know.

Jeena, thanks for you visit to my blog. I am going to creat a blog in English to make things easier ;)


Anonymous said...

Looks great..We also spread our fruit breads with butter, nothing like it!

Raaga said...

I am not sure I get sultanas and currants here... but I love this recipe and will make an all raisin cake :-)

Homemade Heaven said...

This looks great, could even be an easy Christmas cake?
Love your blog, have a link to yours from mine.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenna,
Thanks for the lovely comment you left on my blog. With my father & his side of the family being English I have grown up with a love for thinkgs like victoria sponge cake & curries (just made balti chicken pasanda last night!) This tea bread looks great, and plus it not too sweet which I like. Check out my garibaldi biscuits when you have a minute, I think you might enjoy them :)

Sylvia said...

Hi Jenna, I really appreciate fruit cake.In Christmas I usually made one whit molasses and dried fruit.But unfortunate I lost the recipe..:-(.
Thanks for visit my blog and you have a great blog too.

Anonymous said...

oooh! Looks so yummy! Two of the things I love the most - tea and bread. :)

Cakelaw said...

Hi Jeena, This cake sounds delicious! I have tried another cake where the fruit is soaked in tea, and it gives the fruit a lovely mellow flavour. Will have to give this a try.

Donal said...

really nice recipe, i think you would love some of the Irish breads we have here! I'll get you a recipe. :)

Lovely Blog!

Rajitha said...

jeena- it looks soo usual, i love the step-by- step method :)

. sammi . said...

Hi Jeena..thanks for visiting my blog :) WOW I love this recipe, I will make it soon, have been thinking of a new cake to make and this is it..Cheers, see you 'round! Sammi xoxo

Michelle said...

I am visiting you from my blog and I love all the pictures you have taken. It really makes me want to bake this tea bread recipe and eat every bite.

Padma said...

Wow this bread/fruit cake kept me drooling n drooling....what a lovely looking cake bread. You bring out the best in whatever u do!

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Oh, I love fruit cakes and yours looks gorgeous! On Sunday, I also ate one and it gave me a pleasant Christmas feeling...



FH said...

Fabulous recipe Jeena, thanks girl!:))

Latha Narasimhan said...

Super fruit cake jeena! I too make this once in a while!:))

Ellie said...

This looks so yummy! And I have to say, I love all of your photos. They just make me want it more!

Kribha said...

Hi Jeena,
I'm not sure if I can get sultanas here. Anyway, will try the bread with raisins and currants. Beautiful recipe. Bookmarked it.

Rohini's kitchen said...

Wow! delicious tea bread. I never tried breads at home. will try this soon.

Christine said...

Jeena, that looks very delicious! I really enjoy fruit breads and since the weather is getting cooler here, this would be a wonderful addition to breakfast!

Maggie said...

Your tea bread looks fabulous. Funnily enough I have got tea bread in the oven at the moment! I will be coming back to have a more in-depth look at those curries and see if I can make one or two.

Priya Vijai said...

Hi Jeena,
Thanks a lot for dropping by my blog. Ur blog looks awesome. The Tea bread recipe looks yummy......I will try it without fail as soon as possible. Thanks for sharing it.

Finla said...

Delicious looking cake.
I love them with all the raisins. Once in a while i make them but then i soak them in Brabdy the raisins. Next time i am going to do with tea :-)

. . . said...

thank you for stopping by my blog.

yum. your tea bread looks and sounds absolutely delicious. i am definitely going to add this to my to-try list!

Patrick said...

Hi Jeena,

What a fantastic blog you have! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I am truly honored. You have a multitude of scrummy looking recipes that I can't wait to try! I'm adding you to my "Tasty links!" Take care and I look forward to reading more.

Bindiya said...

I am seriously awestruck,what a beauty your blog is and you know what you have presented the recipes just the way i love them, step-by-step, so that you know exactly what the dish should look like, thx sweetheart for visiting me and MAKING me come upon such lovely recipes

Shubha Ravikoti said...

Amamzing... looking cake..... loved it....will surely try...:) adding u to my blogroll.

Erin said...

Jeena, thanks for the comment. Your blog is quite nice too. I like the wealth of recipes with the healthy focus. Best of all, many of them seem the sort of thing I could make with what is on hand in Ghana. Take care!

Jannett said...

Hi Jeena,
Thanks for the comments on my blog. I love yours great Pics and recipes.
I am going to try the tea bread.

Mallory Elise said...

yay! you are the first to ever link me. Your top on my links now too. ^_^

Bindiya said...

hey i posted a new recipe right now, check it out!

Carla said...

Thanks for visiting my blog!! I'm glad I got to visit yours because it led me to this wonderful tea bread. I miss being in the UK from when I studied in Ireland for a semester. This sure would be great soaking the fruit in Earl Grey tea (which they do sell in USA) ;)

Anonymous said...

I will try this recipe soon it really looks great! You have a nice blog here & thanks for checking out mine! :-)

Cris said...

Hi Jeena! I've added you too!!! I love dried fruits, usually around Christmas I like to bake to give away to friends. Have a nice evening!

Paula Villas Boas said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I enjoyed visiting yours, great idea having step by step recipes and pictures!

sarah said...

For everyone who is asking, sultanas are just golden raisins. They're easy to find - and I recommend the awesome big ones you can order in the States from NutsOnline.

Great idea for this recipe. Related idea - I like to serve Darjeeling tea with a dried plum (prune) in the bottom of the cup. When you finish the tea you have a nice plump piece of rehydrated tea-soaked fruit which is just lovely.

Sophie said...

I agree with the first comment, I've never thought about soaking dried fruit in tea but it sounds like a very delicious idea. Thank you for adding me, I'll add you to the "foodie links" section of my blog :). Take care and happy cooking!

Adi said...

Hi again, and a pleasure for me posting your site in my blog. It is already there¡

Swaruchy said...

wow Jeena.....awesome looking bread dear :-)

Chef Jeena said...

Thankyou so much everybody for your wonderful comments. Each one made me smile so much :D

I am so glad you all liked this recipe as I was very excited about posting it! It is a shame that some bloggers can't get hold of sultanas. But I am sure you can cook up your own versions with the ingredients you love and can get hold of.

Sorry I havn't replied to each one of your comments I normally would but wow I have been busy lately.

Thanks again everyone, I will be visiting all your blogs for your lovely recipes too!

Love Jeena xx :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeena you got 68 comments !!

WOW ..your Kitchen is very busy these days, I Love the tea this is a winner with me !!

Narinda x

Unknown said...

Now, tat is a gorgeuos cake. Well done, Jeena.

Manjula said...

wow..this is definitely going to be one of the most popular recipe.
What is sultanas? They look like raisins in the pics..
I am doing fine, just lazy to post. Thanks for asking. Will write something soon.

Rasa Malaysia said...

Tea bread...I have never tried this before but with raisins and all the baked goodies...I am sure I would love them. :)

amna said...

i love ur photorials and the way you make baking seem so easy. do keep them coming :)

Deborah Dowd said...

This looks really good, but what is the difference between sultanas and raisins?

Anne Lossing said...

Excellent blog Jeena ... I've bookmarked you to check out your offerings regularly. And thanks for dropping by rainforestrecipes!

Anonymous said...

I love this can't wait to try it. I also add your site to my blog. Thanks for the link exchange.

culinaryprincess said...

I've never heard of tea bread before! But it sure looks good. Looks like a fruit cake..Good job jeena

Sangeeta Bavi Shroff said...

Hi Jeena,

This recipe looks yum, and so does your blog. Nice work!

Thanks for visiting my blog as well.


Mansi said...

WOW!! This looks fabulous Jeena:) great recipe and you've done it o well!!! I can smell the bread right here!!:D

Jaime said...

This looks amazing! I can't wait to try this one! Also...I'm wanting to make all of those great curries! :)

Shella said...

This is exactly the kind of recipe i have been looking for. Something not as tedious as fruit cake, yet as good looking & delicious

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeena, Loved this recipe. Liked ur recent post (veg soup) simple and delicious. Will give a try to this bread soon.

Ann said...

Hi Jeena,
Tea bread looks so yummy.
I can't use egg in this recipe.. what is the alternative for egg to get the same taste and fluffyness?. I really want to try this bread :)

Chef Jeena said...

Hi Ann, I have never tried this recipe using no egg. I will cook an egg free tea bread very soon and let you know as I am baking a vegan wheat free fruit cake this week also.

Stay tuned and thanks for stopping by my food blog.

Jeena. :-)

Yamini Kaur said...

Jeena, you blog is amazing. I tried the tea bread and everyone loved it. I am going to make this often.

I didn't have sultanas, so I substituted same gram weight almond-walnut mix. I didn't soak them in the tea, just added them in the end. The mixture was too dense, so I added some milk too.

The whole thing turned out beautiful and it is almost gone in two days.

Keep posting these excellent recipes.

Fayra Deena said...

Hi Jeena, gosh this is great and the shortest way to bake a fruit cake. thank you for saving my time

fudge :)